This is a webpage based on the origins of my family in London. I have not had time to research London registers for my family, perhaps the most important area for me. This is where my family came from and I am sure there is information to be uncovered. Perhaps somebody reading this may be able to help me out. There must be some Skarratt's out there in London. The lady who researched the Kington Skarratt families, Jean Oldham reckoned that all the Skarratt families in London were related. Sadly Jean died before I got interested in family history, there were so many things I would have liked to ask her. My mother, Lily, was born in London in 1908. Her parents were William Skarratt and Emily Skarratt. (nee Sitch). As I said in the main page, the search for my Grandfather is what started my family research, it seems to have snowballed on the way into an information centre for the Skarratt family name and other soundex names. I now know my GF died in 1914 at sea, while serving in the Royal Marine Light Infantry on the Cressy. His name is inscribed on the Naval Memorial monument in Chatham. My mother told me a story once when I was young, which I wish I had paid more attention too. Apparently my GGF went to the USA to find work and took some of his family, including my GF. It seems he turned into a gambler in a big way in Chicago and won and lost considerable sums including a house in a London square. Because of this unstable life my GF joined the merchant navy and eventually the RMLI. When my GF was killed two of his brothers -who were very smartly dressed-came over from the US and offered my Grandmother financial help with her family. She refused but apparently they were in some way working as Naval architects or similar occupation in Chicago. I have tried to trace the family there, but with no success. I am not too convinced by this story following my limited research into the family history. My GF was born in the Endell St workhouse in 1881. His family with his father and mother had to spend several visits into the workhouse with the rest of the family. Registration Details on William's birth certificate: William Skarratt Born 16 May 1881 to John Skarratt and Jane (nee Palmer). His father was actually Alfred Skarratt not John? Recently I had contact from Canada from a lady who was descended from my GF sibling, so the USA story could have some depth to it!
Grandfather Bill Skarratt His name on the Chatham memorial Grandmother Emily (nee Sitch) Born in a workhouse he joined the RMLI and died in WW1 Despite her tough upbringing in Limehouse area of London she was a kind lady especially to me. .Uncle Bill Skarratt and his wife Doris Uncle George Skarratt and his wife Doris I could not find my family in the 1881 Census (2/3 April), but by a stroke of luck I found it but not spelt as I expected. Living at 7 Melville Place, Census Place: Clerkenwell. Born Died Married Alfred Skairatt Married Male Age 29 Hoxton, Middx Furniture |Porter 1851/2 June 1875 Clerkenwell My GGF Jane Skairatt Married Female Age 27 Nottingham Wife 1854 nee Palmer Emma S(ophie) Skairatt Unmarried Female Age 3 St Pancras, Middx Daughter 1877 1918
Alice Skairatt Unmarried Female Age 19 Months St Giles, Middx Daughter 1879 1900? Ernest di Alfred Male St Pancras, Middx Son 1876 1879 William Married Male St Giles, Middx Son 1881 1914 1908 My GF Sarah Ann Married Daughter St Giles, Middx Daughter 1883 1901 Rose (Rosa) Daughter St Pancras Daughter 1885 1907 John Male St Giles Son 1889 Jessie male St Giles Son 1891 di
My grandfather's naval record for Chatham District.
He puts his father down as Alfred Skarratt. The first entry is 21 Nov 1901.he gives his birth date as 5 Jan 1884 he is under age by 45 days to officially enlist. His job as Tea blender. As he was born on 16 May 1881, he seems to have lost 3 years for some reason! Connections
I recently heard from a lady in Canada who is a descendant of Sarah Ann listed above. She has also listed descendants of her family. FATHERS FAMILY Not forgetting my Dad who after all was attracted to a Skarratt! Like many sons I never really got to know my dad till it was too late. But through tracing my mums' ancestors I have found out more about my dad as well. One day whilst talking to my Aunt, she mentioned that my dad spent some time in the workhouse. I was astounded to say the least, he never mentioned it once. Suddenly I started to realise why he was so content with his life and why everybody found him such a kindly person. When I read about workhouse conditions and what people had to put up with, I had new respect for my dad that I should have had all those years ago. There's more to follow about this man! GALLIFORD connection I have always been under the illusion that my family was Pike, but I now discover that I have no Pike blood in me at all! Apparently my dad born as Gallliford, his mother divorced and married a Mr Pike. They had a son Phillip and my dad and Phillip went to Dulwich college together, and to make the cost of billing simple they were called Pike. My dad was never officially adopted, so I suppose I am a Galliford. ( I am in the process of following the family connection). I have no idea how his mother met Mr Pike. I can only theorise that she applied for a job to get out of the workhouse, and joined the household of Mr Pike. He eventually divorced? his first wife and married Dad's mother. Mr Pike was a self made successful owner of timber merchants on the Isle of Dogs. He, Thomas Edward Pike, was born in Limehouse in 1864, the oldest of eight children to Thomas Andrew Pike
and Martha Lusty. Martha was a member of the family that made the Lusty cane furniture. I have traced my dad's Galliford connection to Barnstaple, Devon. back to John Galliford and Patience Upham married in 1801. Research into Skarratt etc. families I have been trying to find connections between the families in London. There seems to be a main settling of families in the East of London, St Pancras, Stepney and Finsbury. I have traced one family from London to Hereford and then to Australia with info provided. One problem is that the name Skarratt is often recorded as in the above family as Scarratt or Scarrott. These variations are endless and only by studying families their Churches and areas is it possible to achieve some links. One example of the proliferation of names is even displayed in one family group: Richard Skarratt b.c. 1734 . m Elizabeth children.: Hannah Skarret
My own GGF appears in the 1881 census as Skairatt ! No wonder I had trouble finding him. The LDS gives family groups and the streets they lived in, sometimes other families as neighbours. Although it seemed very obvious at the time it was mentione to me that all the families were related, tracing them was another thing to try me. I have traced numerous families but it is connecting them together through the years that is the problem. If anybody has any info that we can collaborate on perhaps we can get someway to solving the connections. After some more research it seems I have connected up some of the Skarratt families in London. By concentrating on Robert Thomas Skarratt (1784-1860) I have traced his family back several generations and found a connection to Carleton Skarratt (1754-1808)clockmaker he went to Kington, Hereford. Also to John Skarratt (1761-1829) who started the family business in Worcester. Also John Skarratt (1760-?) who also went to Worcester with his brother Charles Carleton Skarratt (1761-1838)
From Robert Thomas my line descends through Alfred William Thomas Skarratt (1824-1875), Alfred Widegose Skarratt (1852-?), Alfred William Skarratt (1881-1914), to my mother.
The following are notes on some of the churches that have connections with Skarratt families. For many generations of Skarratts this church in the City of London has been their focal point St Giles Cripplegate Church
The first reference is the building of what may have been only a shrine in 1090 by Alfune who was a friend of Rahere (See St Bartholomew the Great). The first reference to the church is a grant by Ælmund to the canons of St Paul's Cathedral of his church of St Giles, built outside the walls, in the time of Henry I (1100-35).
'S Giles of Cripplegate' was mentioned during the 13th century. The origin of Cripplegate is hotly debated; Harben considers that the most probable origin was from the Anglo-Saxon 'crepel', a burrow or 'crypele', a den and denoted the long underground narrow or covered way leading to the gate. Another view id that more cripple gathered at this particular gate than any of the other gates of the city. The first known church was built during the 14th century on ground outside the gate close to where the Walbrook ran under the London Wall. It was damaged by fire in 1545 and the London Chronicle has the following report: "The xil day of September, Satterday, in the mornyng, above five og the klocke, was Saynt Jyles's Churche burned, belles and alle, wtout Crepellgate." The church was rebuilt and Strype wrote that the church was "very fair and spacious." It survived the Great Fire and Joh Milton was buried in the churchyard in 1674. Between 1682 and 1684 the top of the tower was raised, and cased in brick by John Bridges.
Shakespeare attended the church in 1607 for the baptism of his nephew. In the last week of August 1665 there was 600 deaths due to the plague and records show over 8,000 people died in the parish. According to Stow "There was also a bosse of clear water in the wall of the churchyard, made at the charge of Richard Whittington, sometimes mayor, and was like to that of Billingsgate. Of late the same was turned into an evil pump, and so is clean decayed." This water source may have contributed to the high death rate in the parish during the plague.
I have assembled to trees that I have researched. See the Skarratt's of Worcester page. (Link to page) See the Skarratt's of Kington page. (Link to page) Including:
Historical evidence for the name
The location of this stone remained a mystery to me until recently. Thanks to Mike Browell & Ian Winterburn sending me information I now know the exact location and a little more about its history. The location is Laund Clough. 165992 (approx), Up the Little Don Valley from Langsett. The next problem is to work out who it was named for. I was sent this information: THE SKARRATT STONE During the last Bradfield boundary expedition (28th December 2002) a small group split from the main party to investigate Skarratts stone....we found the stone and needless to say questions were asked as to what it was? and who was Skarratt? An enquiry was made to one of our contacts in Peolstone Footpath Runner who's patch it is in, and a reply has been received from that well known Bob Graham enthusiast... Andy Plummer. The answer is in the form of a couple op letters reprinted from Peak & Pennine. Who was Skarratt? Does any reader have any information on the stone carved with "Skarratts Stone 1894" which I saw recently while walking on the way up Laund Clough on the Langsett Moors? It obviously commerates someone, but who and why? Josie Wilson< Sheffield. In response to Josie Wilson's request for information about Skarratts Stone in Laund Clough on the Langsett Moors in the last issue, the following details were taken from an article by G.H.B. Ward in the Clarion Ramblers Handbook for 1934-35. "At the time the carving was made, the shooting rights over the western section of Langsett moors were owned by a Sheffield based firm of cutlers, Harrison & Harrison. Skarratt was either a partner in the firm, or had a financial interest in it, and the carving was done on the orders of Mr. George Howson. Skarratt was a member of the shooting party from about 1887 to1897. He supposedly live in London and made his fortune from an earlier time spent in Australia, possibly gold mining. The shooting party would take lunch at the (then) shooters hut about 400 yards below the confluence pf the Loftshaw and Laund Clough streams. On the walk from the huts to the shooting buts near the head of Laund Clough, Skarratt made a practice of taking a ten-minute rest (and a toddy of whisky) at this stone. According to Ward, one peculiarity of Skarratt was that when he was in a mist on the moors he showed palpable signs of fear. John Milner, Sowerby Bridge near Halifax. This answer seems quite comprehensive but if Skarratt was in the shooting party until 1897 why is the date on the stone 1894? Richard Hakes I will try to answer the points made in the above info. There are I believe two people who this could be applied to, William Carleton Skarratt and Charles Carleton Skarratt, two brothers who left Kington and went to Australia. Charles made his money in the Morgan gold mine (see above bio on Charles) . He obviously came back wealthy settling in London, being able to send his daughters to finishing schools in Paris and Sydney and his son to Cambridge. I would like to Find out more about the firm of Harrison & Harrison, and if Skarratt was involved in some way. There is an earlier connection to a Harrison family, but this may be just coincidence.. |
Latest information -- ongoing research & queries
From the input I have received regarding site it may be necessary to split the site into sections for the various soundex name groups. Although there are One Name Sites, which everybody should refer to, there is still interest from individuals about there origins and some of them pass on points of interest which I feel should be included in this catch all site.
Perhaps somebody out there has prepared pages that I could fit into site with info on their family name etc.
More watches are coming to light, see below in watch section.
Does anybody know where the Skarratt stone is in the Sheffield area?
Latest info received indicating location, thanks to Adrian Skerrett.More info has arrived and I will add it to the Kington Site.
One family of Skarratts has the name Carleton running through it, and while researching them I have tried to find the reason for this inclusion. The first time I can trace the use of the name is for Carleton Skarratt, born in 1754, in London. One train of search is that it may have been his mother's maiden name, quite common in that era, but I have not so far found out her name to confirm this. But as with all genealogical research it has taken me on a long winding road. The living members of this family have told me that a family bible in their possession was originally handed down from a Carleton family member, a daughter supposedly. To add to my knowledge I contacted Lorna Carleton, whose book 'The Carleton Collection' is a definitive work on the Carleton family of Penrith etc. This has provided me with some interesting leads to follow, but also lead me to transfer her book on to CD for her , this makes it less costly to produce than short print runs. My research has led me to Croft Castle, Worcester, Hereford and other areas but I still have not confirmed a Carleton connection, so if you know of one let me know. Harrison, Croft, Carleton, Pemberton, Skarratt, there is a link somewhere out there somewhere.
I have just found out that Carleton's mother was indeed Sarah CARLETON! There is no connection to the Carleton line above its just a coincidence.
glyn@hatherall.org.uk | SCARROTT | Glyn Hatherall |
www.kaysheritage.org.uk | The story of Kays Catalogue Co.- and its Skarratt connections | Bernard Mills |
Information on the origins and description of this crest
![]() |
The validity of this crest has come into question regarding use by certain Skarratt families.
The similar coat of arms showing two squirrels was adopted by Skarratt family of Thomas Carleton Skarratt. The coat of arms can be found in Kemsing church, attributed to Thomas Carleton Skarratt but he did this to be accepted as gentry. Instead of applying to the College of Heralds they proceeded to make one for themselves. The nearest they could discover for a Skarratt was an Irish family of Skarreth (Skerrett) from Finvara, Co. Clare. Legitimate Skarreth shield is green field on which were a gold chevron and three gold squirrels. T.C.S modified it to two squirrels! References "Burkes General Armorial and relative information of England, Ireland and Wales" 1884 Royal Book of Crests p.366 (Skerritt and Squirrel) |
Actual entry from above Burkes Gen. Armorial etc:Skereth (co.Galway; Reg. Ulster's Office). Vert a chev. betw. three squirrels sejant cracking nuts or. Crest-A squirrel cracking nuts. or. Another coat--Ar. three squirrels pass. in pale gu. Crest A squirrel cracking a nut gu.
Skerett (co. Devon) Or a chief indented sa.
Skerit (Petertavy, Tavistock, and Buckland Monachorum, co. Devon; Edward Skerit, of Petertavy, Visit. Devon, 1620, son of John Skerit, of Tavistock, and grandson of Thomas Skerit, of Buckland). Or a chief indented sa.
Carleton was the first of the family to be a clockmaker in Kington. He was born in London and perhaps his father was a clockmaker there. It is certain that at least four of his sons were clockmakers.To get apprenticeships for his sons would not be cheap, perhaps his wife Sarah nee Carleton may have helped, the Carleton family connection may be to one of the wealthier sections of the group.
Carleton, Thomas Carleton, John Carleton and Charles Carleton were apprenticed in London and members of the Clockmakers Company.
Carleton's son, Thomas Carleton and his son Henry Carleton were also clockmakers in Kington.
Apart from the known clockmakers I have been contacted by the owner of a longcase that needed repair. The interesting point is that the name on the dial is Elizabeth Skarratt. Elizabeth was Thomas Carleton Skarratt's wife, Thomas was a known clockmaker and he died in 1838. It would appear that Elizabeth who carried on the business, also may have made clocks. Perhaps Henry 1806-1888 who returned from Hay on Wye when his father died may have been involved.
I have culled from various sources a list of the watchmakers in the Skarratt family.
Many of the books on this subject of clock & watchmakers, do not research the backgrounds of these people and therefore give a misleading picture of the actual numbers involved. I have tried to sort the facts given into a more accurate list, with my knowledge of the Skarratts in particular.
Name | Lived | Date | Area | |
Carleton Skarratt | 1754 - fl1782 | c1768 | London/ Kington c 1785 | apprentice to JS 12/1/1768 CC |
Thomas Skarratt (Brother of C.S) | c1757 - fl 1782 | c1772-1782 | London/ Kington 1788-1796 | apprentice to JS 16/3/1772, CC.F(1782) |
John Carleton Skarratt (ditto.) | 1760 - | c1777-1794 | London/Worcester | apprentice to TB 5/3/1777. CC |
Charles Carleton Skarratt (ditto) | 1761- | 1793 | Worcester c1792 | bankrupt.1793 |
John ? | 1761-1829 | 1794 | London/Worcester | CC. Clu (Probably John Skarratt) |
John Martin Skarratt | 1795 - 1859 | 1828 - 1859 | Worcester | |
John Martin Skarratt (son of JMS) | 1834 - 1908 | ? -1896 | Worcester | |
J.M.Skarratt & Co |
1872 - 1876 | Worcester | See Kay's note below |
Thomas Carleton Skarratt | 1776 - 1838 | 1830 - 1838 | Kington | |
Elizabeth Skarratt (wife of TCS) | 1781 - 1871 | 1838 - 1870 | Kington | |
Henry Carleton Skarratt (son of TCS) | 1809 - 1888 | 1863 - 1870 | Hay-on-Wye / Kington | |
Brian Loomes Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World. Volo.2
G.H.Baillie, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World 2nd edition
Cecil Clutton, G.H.B. Btitten's Old Clocks and watches and their makers, 9th Edition.
Iorweth Peale, Clock and Watch Makers in Wales
Brittons Old clocks & Watches & their makers
(CC) Belonged to Clockmakers Company
F Freedom of the Company (i.e. Thomas Skarratt 4 Nov 1782)
JS Jane Saxby 1762-1777, St John St,Clerkenwell, London
TB Thomas Banfield, St John St, Clerkenwell, London
Clu Cecil Clutton records
See story on R.T. Skarratt
I have used many sources to search out family members and continue to find new names and listings. I have concentrated on Skarratt, my family name, but have also added soundex names to a lesser degree for now. It might even be that my family name may have been be Scarratt or one of the other variations, this is always in the back of my mind when investigating new sources.
Many people start with the LDS, and quite rightly. Whatever you think of their doctrines and the listing inaccuracies might be, it is still an important source of info for all researchers. We sometimes despair at its odd entries, but we have all used it and thank the LDS for their immense work.
The only drawback and especially for me, is that certain parishes refused to give access to their records. Herefordshire for instance is very limited in its entries because of the refusals. In these case its parish record archives in local offices that are the next step.
The public record office has lists of Births, Marriages and Deaths, from 1837 to 1999. Some libraries have these records on microfiche and they provide the full name, place of registration and year quarter of event. Later dates give age on death, maiden name of spouses. Some of the early ones are very difficult to read, to the point of indecipherable, even with a magnifying glass!
Sometimes it is not clear which registration office is noted. For instance, Ashton is an office, bit their are several Ashton's around the country, and their is no indication on the record as to which it is. But, if you look at the rag No. i.e.6d 238. this can be referenced in the Register book which gives the location. Don't guess, 6d is used for Warwick, Preston, Ashton, Birmingham, so it could any one of the Ashtons..
SOUNDEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
Although based on the Skarratt name I have found the following variations. The reasons for the variations include misspellings, mispronunciations, accents misheard, illiteracy.
I do not suggest that Skerrett and Skarratt have a common source but propose the following analogy. Skerrett of Galway, like many Irish families, including my own in-laws, may have crossed to Liverpool by boat. Liverpool has always been a home form home for Irish people in England. The name is common in the neighbouring areas of Manchester and the Wirral, in Manchester the name Skarratt is also to be found in numbers second only to London Skarratts Could they have been originally Skerretts?.
SKARRATT, Robert Thomas, music engraver and composer,
54, Great Wild Street c1796-1809;
10, King's Place, St. Pancras c1809-1811;
9, Platt's Terrace, St. Pancras 18171818 ;
11, Terrace, Upper Street, Islington c1821-1828;
5, Eyre Street, Clerkenwell c 1830;
18,ClothFair c 1836-38;
1,PearlCrescent,Lower Road, Pentonville c 1839.
Prob. active from c1791. Humphries and Smith.
Composer Title Scoring Publisher and Plate Date Shelfmark
Skarratt, R. T.. Celebrated operas, 6 nos, No. 2 Vln [London] 1858-60 GB-Lbl h.217.a.(3)
& Mullen, A
Database, Great Britain: Instrumental Works Based on Don Giovanni. Not including complete work or extracts for piano and voice. Dates and Publishers’ plate numbers given according to library catalogues.
MORE WORKS by R T Skarratt
Fruits and Flowers, a divertimento. [P. F.]
Skarratt's Coronation March , for one, and two performers on the piano forte
Fruits and Flowers ... A series of amusing and interesting pieces ... for the pianiste.
Nelly Gray [by B. R. Hanby] ... arranged by R. T. Skarratt
The Hundred Pipers. Scotch Ballad, the poetry from the Lays of Strathearne. The Symphonies & Accompaniments newly
arranged by R. T. Skarratt
Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. [Song, begins: "All matrimonial men".]
Near Woodstock Town, and All [or rather Ah] the Sighs that come from my Heart. The Piano Forte
Accompaniments by R. T. Skarratt (B. Williams'
Collection of old English Songs)
Ben Bolt. [Song. Composed by N. Kneass.] Arranged for the Piano Forte by
R. T. Skarratt
Pretty Flower, do not fade. Canzonet
Pretty Flower do not fade, etc.
"Sally in our Alley", a celebrated old English ballad ... with new symphonies
& accompaniments by R. T. Skarratt.
Select Sacred Melodies, consisting of a collection of ... Psalms & Hymns ...
with accompaniment for Pianoforte by R. T. Skarratt
There grew a young Flow'ret, canzonet, with an accompaniment for the piano forte
Victoria regina vivat. Skarratt's coronation march, for one, and two performers on the piano forte
Vocal Church Music ... A series of double chants, sanctus, responses, glorias, &c. &c. with an
accompaniment for the organ or piano forte, by R. T. Skarratt. no. 1
Celebrated operas ... arranged as a solo for the Violin by R. T. Skarratt and
A. Mullen. no. 1-6
Below is a story which would appear to involve the above R.T.Skarratt.
Prefaces to psalmody books often give a fascinating insight into the problems their compilers had to overcome to get their work into print. Owen Jones Williams shows a remarkable resilience, as the following transcription indicates.
With a view of supplying the deficiency of Psalmody in Wales, the following Christmas he took his manuscript (containing a treatise on the elements of singing in connection with upward of 260 Psalm and Hymn Tunes with Anthems,) and delivered it to a Mus. Doc. near Bangor-Ferry, in order for him to employ an Engraver in London to engrave the same, while the Author followed his employment in his native Country: the Dr. refused to enter into an agreement, nor would he consent to accept any remuneration, but said he would assist him with the greatest pleasure. The prospectus was circulated, announcing his Work would be ready for sale in June 1816.
March, 1816 the Dr. went to London ..., and took the Author's manuscript with him to Mr. Skarratt the Engraver, but when he understood that it was the first Work of the kind ever written in the Welsh Language, and consequently much more valuable than he at first imagined, he made an attempt to pass it on to the Public as his own Work, and claiming an equal share of its profit.
November, 1816, the Author went to London to expedite his Work, and paid Mr. Skarratt £18 on account of his Plates, and the remainder to be paid when finished; but the Dr. refused to deliver the Work to its Author, unless he was allowed his half of the profit of the whole Work, afterwards he offered to accept £100, which the Author resisted, and after vain efforts to deliver his Work to the Subscribers, he was forced to submit to the oppression, and deprived of all his laborious production.
In May 1818, the Dr. sent the Author a bill of £181 for his trouble, with a writ to arrest him for the payment of it; the cause was brought on at Guildhall, and referred to arbitration: Mr. Skarratt (who engraved the Work,) considers the law expenses and loss of sale of 2000 Copies would at the least amount to £700; to which must be added the 400 Copies which Mitchell kept, amounting in the whole to £1330; and to recover his losses, the Author has no resource but the sale of the present Work.
MORE on the above.
I have received info from Michael Kassler in Australia about this item.
It would seem that he was Richard Thomas Skarratt and his father Richard Skarratt. R.T. Skarratt was like his father a music engraver and succeeded his father in the business, he also composed music. The father lived at 16 Charlotte Street, St Pancras, London. He wrote his will on 14th Feb 1805 and administration was granted on 28 March 1821. He was married in 1780 to Susanna Ann Davies.
Robert had a shop in18 Cloth Fair near Smithfield London in 1835 and traded as a music engraver. Then he seems to have moved to Ia Union Terrace, Bagnigge Wells around 1845 --1850 and traded as a Tobacconist, newsagent and also music engraver and printer.
Michael would like anyone with more info to let him know.
I have done some more research and it seems that R.T. Skarratt is an ancestor of mine. He is the GGGGF on my mothers side. So it looks like I have found a connection to the other families in Worcester an Herford. through his ancestors.
ld= London Directory
kd=Kents Directory
Richard Thomas Skarratt |
Newsagent |
1 Union Terrace, Bagnigge Wells Road |
1846 |
ld |
Anne Eliza Skerritt (Miss) |
Fancy Stationer |
79 St John Road |
1846 |
ld |
James Skerritt |
Baker |
1 Royal Hospital Row, Chelsea |
1846 |
ld |
Scarratt & Lucas |
Warehousemen |
12 Milk St, Cheapside |
1794 |
kd |
Skerrett, Geo. |
Upholsterer |
30 Bedford St, Covent Garden |
1794 |
kd |
Skerrett W.F. |
Merchant |
Virginia Coffee House, Cornhill |
1794 |
kd |
NOTES ........................................................................................................................................................
No information on the living is displayed, only names and relationships. We do not make information on the living available unless they agree to it.
I have where possible to obtain permission for material included and acknowledged source.
If you find information included here which you feel I have not obtained permission please let me know at once.
Please remember this is a family research project and as such no profit is involved, the information is provided free for family members on a research basis, no material included may be used for profit by other parties.
If you use any of the information included in the web site please gain permission from those involved.
All material is included in good faith. If for any reason material included causes offence in any way please contact me at once and it will be rectified.
The following people have contributed to this site:
Mary Jane Thomas Stokes
Rosemary Thomas
Jean Busby
Bernard Mills
Glyn Hatherall
Colin Pike (Skarratt)
Email : skarratt at btinternet.com